This site has been established to fulfil the need for a specialist service for private individuals such as self-builders, house purchasers, renovators and of course professional builders who have a need for the servicess of an engineer.
I am a chartered civil engineer with Engineers Ireland. My career spans 15 years and in that time I have acquired a vast range of construction skills and expertise. I have worked as a site engineer for some of Ireland largest construction companies: John Sisk & Sons Ltd, Crampton Ltd, P J Walls (Civils) to name but a few. I have also worked for several of Ireland’s leading Engineering consultants including Mott Macdonald Pettit and have worked for both Dublin City council and for South Dublin County Council in the capacity of Resident engineer.
Some of the projects I have been actively involved with:
Site Manager for a main construction contractor on the Belfast IKEA store.
Site Resident engineer for South Dublin county council on a 450 dwelling housing project.
Site Engineer on a 300 dwelling apartment complex with John Sisk & Sons Ltd.
I am involved with the National Guild of Master craftsmen as an independent assessor of construction and building works.
I am a regular feature writer for SelfBuild Ireland magazine and lecture at SelfBuild Ireland exhibitions around the country.
Full professional indemnity insurance carried and professional registration with Engineers Ireland
Countrywide service offered.